CRM Add-On
awisto CopyPLUS

Simply Copy Data

Copy any data record at the touch of a button, even with all subordinate or linked data records. Use existing data and reuse it simply by copying it.

Duplicate Complex Data Sets

awisto CopyPLUS
for Dynamics 365 CE

How can your work be made more efficient? Simply reuse existing data records such as quotations, orders or contracts.

awisto CopyPLUS as a CRM add-on is the ideal solution for you because it is easy to use and can be integrated directly into your existing Dynamics 365 CE solution. The use cases are almost limitless.

  • Copy function also for complex data records
  • Copy scope and number can be defined for each entity
  • Copy fields, relationships (1:1, 1:N & M:N) and titles of documents
  • Save valuable working time by reusing existing document content
  • Avoid errors and inconsistencies
  • Flexible application options in different scenarios
  • User-friendly user interface

Request now

Two similar-looking women - they stand for awisto CopyPLUS, the add-on for easy duplication of documents in Dynamics 365 CE

More functions in your CRM with our CopyPLUS – test it now!

Try CopyPLUS free of charge for 3 months – we will take care of the installation and look forward to your feedback on our extended CRM functions!

Contakt us

Our awisto Sales Manager Tobias Heck advises you on open questions about CRM, Power Platform, CRM Service, industry solutions & CRM add-ons

“How can you copy complex data records in your CRM? Let me show you how it works .”

Tobias Heck

Sales Manager

+49 (711) 490534-30

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